Coporate Church Outfit For Ladies



 When choosing your church outfit, the most important thing to consider, is comfort. you need to be free in whatever you wear. You should choose an array of an easy wear cloth.

However, being free doesn't mean you should be casual. You should not wear ripped jean, tees, flip-flops and revealing dresses. Avoid showing cleavages in church; do not wear clear transparent clothes. We should present our God, our 'Sunday Best' not just something we wear every day.

  It is important to know that churches are different, while some churches allow you open your hair during service, others don't. They require you to wear something covering your head such as scarf, hat, and other fabrics. 

Regardless of what your church requires, be smart enough to know that you are dressing to worship not to party. Nevertheless, you should look good to church. 

Wear something presentable, not just some old ratty shirt found lying around your closet. You don't necessarily need flashy accessories, and your make up should not be overdone. 

Avoid wearing heavy perfume. Too much fragrance can disturb the breath of others.
Remember, you can always spice up these outfits, with a cute and classy hat or scarf.

Remember that God is only astonished by how beautiful you are on the inside. 
Happy Sunday in Advance!!! 

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