
Love and care stays in her heart
Her heart moulded of pure gold
Her heart has a soft shiny glow
Her heart so true and pure 
Her heart has no bars 

Hope and dreams stay in her eyes 
Her eyes shinning like the sun
Her eyes shinning bright and beautiful 
Her eyes so full of smiles
Her eyes full of stars 

Life and light stays in her smile 
Her smile which warms my heart 
Her shinning smile which lights up my day 
Her smile, the only sunshine I need 
Her smile has no scar 

Beauty and strength stays in her soul 
Her soul so strong and beautiful 
Her soul full of fire 
Her fire which burns on the prayer altar 
She is an incredibly strong woman 
She is my Mother! 


My woman crush Wednesday goes to every Mother out there, performing her duties and role as a Mother. 

Follow on Twitter @olowepraise, IG @cheerful_olowe, Facebook @Praise olowe 


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