Stay Determined

Determination is the quality that makes you continue to do something even when it seems difficult. It is about having a firm and unshakable decision to do something without letting anyone or anything prevent you. Many fail, because they lack determination.

Determination is an innate quality hidden in our souls, which can only come to surface when triggered. Everyone is driven by his or her own determination to succeed, to be the first, to be the head and to be outstanding among others.

Determination keeps us firmly centered on a chosen purpose. It requires us pursuing a goal with much focus, zeal, energy and courage. We might have failed at some point, but determination is the tool needed to keep defeat from becoming permanent. It helps us overcome failure and fear.

At the time of failure, determination pushes onward and gives us the energy to triumph by keeping us on path. It helps us to make our dreams into reality and to live by our highest values.

Refuse to give up on that issue. Don't you ever give up on yourself. Your life is yours to control and to be the best you can ever imagine. By being determined, you are opening the door for a better tomorrow.

I hope that this month brings joy and happiness. Stay determined!!



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