#NigerianRecipe - EdikangIkong Soup

Thank God its friday! The week has been super exciting for me as i decided to explore in catering. I hope you had a great week as well.  Look! the weekend is finally here, and it is time to relax and ease yourself of the stress. I want you to spice it up with a little change in taste.

Many of us, are used to the normal recipes we prepare on a daily. I am urging you this weekend, to try something new. For this week, i will be focusing on the Edikangikong soup. I hope you try it out as well.

Edikang Ikong / Edikaikong soup is a nutritious Nigerian soup recipe and one of the native soups of  the south-eastern states Efiks of Nigeria Cross River and Akwa Ibom states.  made with a generous amount of fresh leafy vegetables, dried fish and assorted meat.

It is usually cooked with a combination of two different vegetables;Ikong Ubong /Ugwu leaves(fluted pumpkin leaves) and water leaves;but in the absence of fluted pumpkin leaves and water leaves, Spinach and Lamb lettuce/Mache(Valerianella locusta) can be used.


Spinach/fluted Pumpkin leaves(Ugwu)
Water leaves
Assorted meat(cow tripe (shaki),snails, cow's skin(kanda),
Stock fish (optional)
Smoked fish
Palm oil
Periwinkles (optional), but it gives the soup a boost
Tablespoons ground crayfish
Stock cubes
Scotch bonnet Pepper  (fresh pepper)
Salt to taste

Cooking directions 

Prepare the vegetables by washing and cutting them into tiny bits (thin slices preferably) and set aside.
Wash and cut the assorted meat in bite-able sizes. Clean the periwinkles, dried fish and stock fish and set aside.

Place the assorted meat and stock fish in the pot; add a little water, the chopped onion and one stock cube. Cook until the meat is soft enough.

When the meat is done, add the dried fish and periwinkle. Add the palm oil, the grounded pepper and crayfish and leave to boil for about 10 minutes (depending on the quantity)

Add the water leave (or lamb lettuce) and leave to cook for 3 minutes. Then add the Ikong Ubong /Ugu leave (fluted pumpkin leaves) and salt to taste.

Stir thoroughly and leave to simmer for 5 minutes on low heat and your Edikang Ikong soup is ready. Enjoy!

Serve it hot with Usi (Starch),Pounded Yam, Eba, Fufu, Wheat meal (Tuwon Alkama), Semolina or Amala .

This time around, i choose Fufu!

Have a lovely weekend!!!

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